Superheroes and Rockstars

Like most children, I loved super heroes but I think my obsession with them bordered on the obsessive. In my teen years this changed and it was rock stars I held in the same light.

It occurred to me only yesterday why I was so obsessed and how this fascination eased over to the rock star genre.

The reason was so obvious! More than anything I wanted to be able to run, jump, play and do all things physical as well as any of my friends. Imagine then, being able to outdo them in these physical feats! That was what super heroes could do. That’s what I wanted to be able to do!

I didn’t much like Spiderman or other animal or specific skill superheroes. I didn’t want to be a spider hybrid. It was more the humans with all-round superior human qualities that I liked.

Continue reading Superheroes and Rockstars

The Little Adult.

Your child will learn to cope. I did. I had family (cousins) and friends that could run and play, doing active things for hours. In group games I would often find the least active role and take that. With one-on-one play I often insisted on playing games I knew I could cope with physically. I could keep up for a little bit but when I got tired I sought out the company of my parents. This had a few purposes.

  1. Adults tend to sit around and chat. For them it’s quiet normal to be sedentary. When you’re around the adults, they’ll tell you to keep quiet and sit still. No problem there.
  2. My peers would not bother me with the peer pressure whines of “but come on and play – we’re all playing!” Why? Because the adults were watching and listening.
  3. I could usually sneak a bite of descent food.

Continue reading The Little Adult.