The Frankenstein Complex

I have the Frankenstein complex.Yuck

People fear what they don’t understand.

They also tend to hate

what they genuinely fear

or are not used to.


I have been alienated.

Exiled to dark corners.

To isolation, which makes it worse.


It now appears

that I attend dark, sinister séances

and am evil.

All because people don’t understand

that I might love a person, might love another.

The Evil Fantastic

Black sleek

silver flashes

Lightning in the night

Shiver-shining across scales

of the Black Beast

Claws of yellow bone

hard and scarred


powerful hinges


scaled and slender

Tendons of wire


Face filled with hellfire

washed with blood

and flamed flesh

Eyes yellow


Black slit


forked and fang flanked

Evil intent on its solitary mind

Deep within its burning brain

In it’s ribs seeth and stoke

the demons

Big bat cloak for its cloak

and for its flight

It’s tail for the fight

The Evil Fantastic.