the people are me.
My individuality is blurred
into a still hating
still loving
the people are me.
My individuality is blurred
into a still hating
still loving
therefore I am
therefore I die.
And all the voices all around me
were the voices in my mind.
And all the voices in my mind
rose like smoke from the ground.
Made me weep
turned me blind.
And in the stillness of my coma
was the wreck of a broken heart
And in the silence of my eyes
was a sole torn appart
I see love…it swiftly dies.
Perhaps I’m too naive
I was always innocent.
Love was always loved.
Hate was just resentment.
Perhaps I’m too naive
I was always innocent.
I learned to hate
through other’s contempt.
I lost my innocence
when I learnt what it meant.
I hurt
therefore I am
therefore I die.
I always believed that if I loved someone, I’d be able to freely express my feelings.
People hate and fear what they cannot understand, cannot comprehend.
They call it a monster.
I am a monster but take comfort…I’m still loved.